Projekt Mura Raba Tour

The project entitled ‘Creating and placement of the new cross-border active tourism product as an integral part of modern tourist offering between Mura and Raba’, in short ‘Mura Raba Tour’, is co-financed by the Interreg Cooperation Programme V-A Slovenia-Hungary for the period of 2014-2020.

The following partners are taking part in the project:
•  Projektna razvojna agencija in komunikacija d.o.o.,
•  KOCLJEVINA - zavod za usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidnih oseb,
•  Šalovci municipality,
•  Szentgotthárd és Térsége Turisztikai Egyesület (Monošter Tourist Society),
•  Csörötnek Község Önkormányzata (Self-government of Csörötnek settlement) and
•  Orfalu Községi Önkormányzat (Self-government of Andovci settlement).

The total value of the project is 793,608.00 €, of which the EU funds amount to 674,566.80 €, national co-financing amounts to 58,701.60 €, and project partners contribute their own share in the amount of 60,339.60 €. The project runs for 3 years, i.e. from 1.11.2017 to 30.10.2020. Apart from the previously mentioned establishment of cross-border local tourist providers of Mura Raba Tour, we consider as some of the main achievements of the project the new tourist product Mura Raba Tour, which is based on 4 different thematic programmes (a guided programme offering the experience of the Mura and Raba rivers from a raft or a canoe; horse riding programme offering horse riding and rides in a horse carriage along the former ‘iron curtain’; hiking programme presenting the life of former border guards and offering a possibility of hiking along the border guards route; cultural programme unveiling a mysterious story of rebellious Kruci), the renovated building of a former border post in Čepinci housing a permanent museum collection about the life of border guards, and the renovated camping site Akácfa in Csörötnek – all with a common goal of increasing the number of visitors to the region and expanding accommodation capacities.